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Poverty Alleviation Program - Hope in Action.

We are determined to break cycle of poverty through various possibilities.

Economic: Microfinance Loans -

Provided money to establish or expand viable businesses and provide sustainable income with affordable financing that changes the future of families and transforms poverty-stricken communities

Giving Hope in Action – Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

In Africa, those who are the poorest are also the hungriest. Masses of hungry people are at risk of dying from starvation. Because hunger breeds sickness, those who suffer both cannot provide productive labor. Without work, they have few, if any, assets.

Without assets, there is no access to credit. Without the ability to pay, families are unable to invest in the education of their children. The spiral of hopelessness intensifies their experience of poverty, with no end in sight.

Give Hope Initiative is breaking the cycle of poverty through our efforts to bring opportunity to the people of Africa. We focus our attention and resources in the key areas of agriculture, economic development, education, health care and water. Our initiatives include:

Providing free and healthy Water for the Community

Make a Donation Now and Give a lasting Hope

Your support and donations will go a long way to bring smile on the faces of many families for many generations to come

All donations are tax deductable

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